May 2004


Members should receive their March/April Goldfish Reports by the end of May. Take a look here for more info on upcoming issues and the publication schedule (if you have not been checking the Editor's page, you are missing one of the more entertaining elements of this Web site). We hope everyone is enjoying what is now our second year of publishing top quality content in a full color format!

Thanks to Andrea Pecher for stepping forward to help with the Report publication process. Andrea has helped in the past and is once again stepping into the fray. The society continues to expand the quality and depth of its activities thanks to talented people like Andrea.

If you have let your membership lapse or have been thinking about joining the GFSA, now is a great time - here is a form you can print. To submit material for the Goldfish Report to editor Matt Lyon, please see the updated society contact info. Articles and photos in electronic form are particularly appreciated.

The current line-up of people filling the GFSA offices is on the society officers page. 

Seasonal Advice

Seasonal advice is taking a break this month. Hope your fish are thriving, breeding, growing ... whatever you expect of them.

Here is a goldfish joke for the hardcore (or easily amused):

A hobbyist purchases a new broadtail Demekin. After a suitable quarantine period, the new fish goes into the show tank. It immediately starts chasing all the other fish, until they are cowering in the corners, with tattered fins. The alarmed hobbyist calls an expert friend who comes over to take a look. The expert takes one look and says "no wonder, this new guy is a male and you have several gravid females. He's just doing what goldfish do." 

"But why", the hobbyist asks, "aren't the other males as aggressive?" 

"Hmmm", says the expert, "it could be the variety."

"What do you mean?" asks the hobbyist.

"Well, after all, that's a Moor, eh?"

Think you can do better? Send your goldfish jokes to us!