The Editor's Page

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - Welcome to our page; we, the editors of the Goldfish Report (the GFSA's official publication), will try to keep you up-to-date on what is happening. The Goldfish Report has been published in various forms since the society's inception, from a mimeographed newsletter to a color magazine. Taken in their totality, the collection of Goldfish Reports that stretch from today back to 1973 represent a remarkable assemblage of goldfish knowledge, experiences, observations and events.

For more information on the Report and a sample issue showing the format and color content, please go here.

The society encourages all members to contribute to the Report, whether an article, photo, travelogue, or quick letter to the editor. Submissions can be directed to

The Goldfish Report: Editorial Policies and Info for Authors

You may submit material for the Goldfish Report via the postal service or email. Email is the preferred method of submission. Preferably, all articles should be written in 2-page increments (2 pages or 4 pages, including photos). Longer articles should be written as multi-part articles.

Articles submitted should be sent as text attachments and should be Microsoft Word compatible. Photos, diagrams, etc. should be sent as separate attachments, rather than imbedded in the text of the article. Photo attachments etc. should be standard image formats such as .jpg, .bmp, .tif, etc. Material submitted via email should be sent to:

Material submitted via the postal service should be carefully and securely packaged and sent to:

Goldfish Society of America
P.O. Box 551373
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33355

If you would like us to return the hardcopy of your article, photos, etc., please include a self addressed stamped envelope with your submission.

The deadline for submitted materials has changed again! The deadline for submitted materials is now 45 days before the start of the publication cycle. For example, the submission deadline for the May/June issue is March 15. Submissions that miss the deadline will be published in the next issue or as space permits. For seasonal materials, please specify in which issue you would prefer to have your submission published. Articles longer than three pages (including photos and diagrams) should be written as multi-part articles.

Submitted materials may be edited for spelling, grammar, clarity, organization, errors of fact, and potentially offensive content. We will send the edited version for your approval before publishing. If we don’t hear from you by the publishing deadline, we will publish the edited version.

Legally, you own the copyright for all material you submit, unless ownership is contractually transferred to the GFSA. By submitting material for the Goldfish Report, you grant permission for the GFSA to publish all submitted material in the Goldfish Report. You also grant permission for the GFSA to reprint any submitted material, in full or in part, in any GFSA publication, unless otherwise agreed in writing. This could include the GFSA website, future newsletters, and other publications.