March 2007


The January/February Goldfish Report is in preparation, with an assortment of interesting articles. For info and general updates on the Goldfish Report, take a look here for info from the editor on upcoming issues of the Goldfish Report and the publication schedule.

If you have let your membership lapse or have been thinking about joining the GFSA, now is a great time - here is a form you can print. To submit material for the Goldfish Report to our editor, please see the updated society contact info. Articles and photos in electronic form are particularly appreciated.

The current line-up of people filling the GFSA offices is on the society officers page. The GFSA Board of Directors continues 2007 with a focus on ensuring that the society is undertaking activities and providing services that our members want. Tell us if there is something you really want (even better, volunteer to help us do it).

Interested in joining the GFSA but still not sure? We have two sample Goldfish Reports available to download, to demonstrate that every issue is packed with thought provoking information and pictures available nowhere else. We are also promoting an electronic membership option that significantly lowers the cost of membership.

Lessons Learned "Quick Hits"

We are soliciting short lessons-learned from hobbyists: events that possibly left you sadder, but measurably wiser. Have a good one? Please send it to the  webmaster. Here is a brief diatribe from the Webmaster:

Well, not really goldfish-specific but ... does it exasperate you in winter to get a shipment of fish supplies packed in Styrofoam "peanuts"? The low winter humidity creates static cling that causes them to stick to everything with the tenacity of a Ryukin on an earthworm. One solution is to spray a very light water mist on the peanuts and the object you are trying to get them off of. Use a plant or laundry sprayer on the finest mist setting. A few spritzes and the Styrofoam material becomes more cooperative, actually detaching itself from its targets. Don't get everything wet ... just the slightest moistening will allow them to be wiped off of whatever they are sticking to.