March 2002

Web Site

Please see the letter from the Society Chairman; there are many exciting activities afoot.


If you have a 2002 event planned with rough or exact dates, please let us know. You can use the (hopefully) convenient submission form on the events calendar page. We are also still looking for local clubs that would like to hold goldfish events. If you are interested in discussing this, please drop an email to the GFSA.


Contribute something to the Goldfish Report! Please provide any articles, news items, photos, comments and requests to the editor, Vince McCarty, for inclusion in the Report. Vince has offered a set of topics for future issues, to try and get all of you to dig back in your trove of experiences and create a contribution for the Report. These are listed below, with the first on the list due for the next issue:

May/June 2002 (submit by March 2002)
Pond issue, filters, feeding, algae, pond preparation, poisonous plants, pre-show issue. Show times, requests for help, tips on judging, requests for items for auction from members and advertisers, volunteers for booth
July/August 2002 (submit by May 2002)
Tips on transporting fish, last minute show details, Fall feeding issue, preparing ponds for fall

Seasonal Advice

Many areas of the US have been experiencing an unseasonably mild winter. This can be stressful on outside goldfish, particularly in small ponds that may experience significant temperature fluctuations. Things to keep an eye on: fish that need feeding once the water temperature is above 50F (10C), build up of ammonia or nitrites if the filter is slow to start up biofiltration, and early parasite problems (like Ich, a.k.a. "white spot disease") that can hit fish weakened by a long dormancy.

On the more positive side, you will start to see your fish again and wild live foods like earthworms are becoming available for the digging. Good for the indoor and outdoor fish.