December 2003


The Goldfish Report editors have a page on this site to communicate important information about the GFSA's premier print publication. You should have received the September-October issue and November-December is close on its heels. Go take a look here. We hope everyone has enjoyed what has now been a year publishing top quality content in a full color format!

If you have let your membership lapse or have been thinking about joining the GFSA, now is a great time - here is a form you can print. To submit material for the Goldfish Report to editor Matt Lyon, please see the updated society contact info. Articles and photos in electronic form are particularly appreciated.

The current line-up of people filling the GFSA offices is on the society officers page. The events calendar covers 2003 events and activities: we are now past the last 2003 event we know of. We would still like to expand this calendar to reflect the tropical fish shows that support a significant goldfish class and, for that matter, any other goldfish-related events. So if you have a show or event please send us an email or use the submission form on the calendar.

Seasonal Advice

Many people, once they get they get a stable goldfish tank or two going, get the "itch" to start putting more things in the tank. More goldfish, decorations, plants or other fish species. All these things are of course possible, but they may not be a good idea. Plants are a good thing, as long as undesirable pathogens do not come in with them. But don't be disappointed if your fish eat them. Decorations are a matter of taste. Goldfish usually will not avail themselves to pipes, caves or similar refuges. They just aren't that shy. Other fish species need to be carefully considered. Their care requirements have to match those of goldfish and they have to be physically and temperamentally suited to live with goldfish. That is, neither edible or territorial. In the end, most people find they are better off with a separate tank for other species, possibly with delicate plants and other attractive elements that wouldn't last with the goldfish.