January 2003

Happy New Year!


Terry Cusick has assumed the duties of editor, publisher, membership and BOD chair, and has asked some individuals to serve as temporary board members. To support society operations, Terry is personally covering or has asked others to cover the different offices that have been vacated by resignations during 2002. The current line-up is on the society officers page.

His first edition of the Report will soon be in member mailboxes. This issue will cover new GFSA directions, the 2002 Breeders' Social, approaches to goldfish judging and more. It will also be printed in color. A preview copy showed this to be a thought provoking and information-packed edition of the Goldfish Report. Terry is also investigating the idea of a reduced cost membership for people willing to accept electronic distribution of the Report. There is a lot happening! If you have let your membership lapse or have been thinking about joining the GFSA, now is a great time. To submit material to for the Goldfish Report to Terry, please see the updated society contact info. Articles and photos in electronic form are particularly appreciated.

The events calendar has had another 2003 update (including January events). If you know of an event that is not on it, please advise us!

Member Projects

Need your help: The fish growers interested in color enhancement need some observations with digital photos; Take five or six pictures of some outdoor red or red and white fish, weigh the fish this fall (here is an article that discusses determining fish weight). In April take pictures of the same fish and weigh them once again. The studiers are trying to figure out if weight loss over the winter helps to intensify colors by concentrating pigment cells. Send your findings to Barry Sperling at bdsperling@msn.com . This is stage one of a more elaborate experiment we have planned for the future. Get involved, make new fish friends and figure out the mysteries.

Seasonal Advice

New year, new ideas, new resolutions. 2002 saw some milestones: the 30th anniversary of the GFSA, the 500th anniversary of the importation of the goldfish into Japan ... what will 2003 bring? A couple of thoughts: 

  1. Fellowship can be a big part of the fish keeping hobby. Of course we would like you to be an active member of the GFSA. But don't forget your local fish club. Many are very welcoming of goldfish keepers and can offer intellectual and money-saving activities that will make your hobby more fulfilling. Many of these clubs are declining, so they also need you.

  2. Local fish stores and specialty Web retailers are compatible ... they fill different niches. Make sure you take your business to the retailers who give you the best value. Don't forget that value is not just price: it is also service and knowledge.

  3. Consider taking an active role in the GFSA. Even very modest efforts, like a letter to the editor or an update item for the Web site make a huge difference when multiplied by a few dozen people. If you have a piece of info useful to other goldfish keepers, the effort for someone else to discover that you have that info and ask you for it is 100 times the effort for you to volunteer it.